Why "Pevon" ???

The name “Pevon” has been with us for a few years now….We figured it out long time ago when we wanted a username that represented both of us, so then it became: Peter (Pe) and Yvonne (Von)= Pevon, short and sweet we thought, and no one else used that name, absolutely perfect! Now, several years later when we are educated in ecotourism and wanted to start our own business, we have to figure out a name that no one else are used. So we was thinking for a long time, when the old perfect name “Pevon” popped up and took place again in our lives again!

A little about us:

It was a personal Self-Development Course that took us to where we are today. It was a course that we have the ability to stop up "and feel after" and be able to ask existential questions to yourself. There is a "before" and "after" that course, a a longing for the authentic conversations and to have real genuine experiences. So our lives changed slowly, we had many long conversations and had to make severely decisions and required a lot of courage from us, but as a good friend said "you only get what you can handle"

A couple of years ago, an education appeared on Facebook - Entrepreneur ecotourism - and when it appeared for the third time in the flow, we decided that we should educate ourselves! Now are we both trained in ecotourism and it feels like we are on the right path, to share the best we know, namely to be able to stay in the nature outdoors. It is the only place that is entirely undemanding, and that we have to take care of, for the future of our children.

Your safety is important to us:

Today, we are certified in Sustainable Tourism by GSTC, which has developed the standard for sustainable tourism. Here you can see our Certifikat

As well as an ambulatory permit for cooking outdoors through the National Food Administration, you can se the permit dokument here

Peter and Yvonne - founders of pevon ecotourism.